stock three books written by Dr. Donald Epstein, the developer of
Network Spinal Analysis, which is the revolutionary wellness system
provided at our Holistic Oasis center.
12 Stages of
book takes us beyond traditional books on healing by identifying
twelve basic rhythms or stages of consciousness common to all
of humanity. Each stage imparts its wisdom and unfolds from
the healing of the previous stage. Powerful exercises and declarations,
Somato-Respiratory Integration, help us to maximize our healing
book is artfully typeset, and makes a perfect gift. A small, golden
boomerang moves from its starting point at the beginning of the
book in a full arc, then returns to that starting point, visually
demonstrating the Boomerang Principle at work. Open this magical
book again and again. The Boomerang Principle will expand the
reader's horizons each time it's pages are opened.
Myths and Magic
there were one most valuable truth we could learn to grasp in
our lifetime that enabled us to reach our highest potential, perhaps
it would be this: Deep within us, we all possess the unlimited
capacity to heal ourselves. In his book Healing Myths, Healing
Magic, Donald Epstein, internationally known founder of Network
Spinal Analysis and the author of The 12 Stages of Healing, guides
us through a fascinating journey about cultural healing myths
and the true nature of illness as an expression of the soul".-Sheila
know they sound weird but have you discovered the benefits of
magnets yet? We have a large affordable assortment available.
Two favorites are the king pillow insert for back pain and the
head/neck band for head ache and neck pain.
Nutritional Supplements
Juice Plus+ is the most researched food supplement in the
world! Are you confused about which and what nutritional supplements
to take? Learn the dangers of synthetic vitamins and the benefits
of whole food supplements. Discover if the convenient and affordable
Plus+ is for you too.
We have a full range of homeopathic remedies available. Our most
sold Trameel, is a natural anti-inflammatory for trauma and injuries
and has the equivalent benefits but not the side effects of the
non-steroids and Cox 2 Inhibitors. (BHI)
All Glucosamine sulfates are not created equally and many are
not stable but ours has the Consumers Laboratory rating. (Pyhto
(Neck) Pillows: We have been searching for the perfect neck
pillow for over 20 years. As result we have several varieties,
sizes, textures and price ranges available (including the popular
Temper-Pedic pillow) which will be both comfortable and beneficial.
Lumbar (Back) Support Pillows: Support your back in all your
favorite sitting places.
Lumbar (support) belts and Cervical (neck) collars:We carry
several sizes for those needing support for acute neck and back
Tapes & DVD's
Stop Back Pain:This is a practical approach for daily activities,
a productive exercise regimen for the whole body and guided relaxation
for stress reduction.
What every woman should know!: Listen to Dr. Lee's VHS tape
about the benefits of natural progesterone cream for prevention
of PMS, menapause symptoms, and osteoporosis.
2004-2007 Dr. Gayle A. Whittaker Holistic Oasis :: (718) 544-8282