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Healing vs. Curing: The Network Approach
Excerpt from Network Chiropractic Volume 1, Issue 2 October 30, 2000

By Dr. Carlos Rodriguez D.C.

Network Chiropractic is based on a healing model, which is distinctly different from the curing model now prevalent in modern society. Each of these models represents a completely unique world view.

The curing model emerges from a Newtonian perspective, which views everything in the world as separate and distinct from everything else. The healing model comes from an understanding of quantum physics and unified field theory, which views all of creation as emerging from the same source. In this model, everything is interconnected and affects everything else.

The Curing Model

The goal of this model is to bring the individual back to "normal"--a state of balance, order, equilibrium. Typically, a person with a symptom goes to the doctor for treatment. The doctor, who is viewed from both sides as the ultimate authority, isolates and labels the "problem." S/he then prescribes a course of treatment to control or eliminate the condition before it causes more harm. The body is seen as separate and independent from the mind and spirit.

In this model, the individual loses a sense of involvement or control in the healing process and slips into "victim consciousness." Both sides agree that the doctor is the only one who can have an effect on the condition. There is no awareness that the person has any responsibility for creating or curing the condition. In fact, the effect of the mind and the spirit are usually not even considered. The symptom is seen as the "enemy," and the doctor and the medical technology at his disposal are the "ammunition" which must be enlisted to defeat the "enemy."

Fear and judgment are at the root of this model. The body is seen as a victim of the whims of time and change, both of which are resisted and feared.

The Healing Model

The goal of the healing model is to help the individual integrate mind, body, and spirit. We learn about ourselves, which allows our true nature to be fully expressed. In the process we learn to feel the full range of emotions, no longer blocking out feelings which stop the flow of innate intelligence within.

In this mode, the person asks for help to reconnect with his/her inner intelligence and meet life's challenges. The role of the chiropractor is to help the individual be more in touch with innate intelligence, which actually does the healing. The doctor's responsibility is to trust the innate intelligence of the individual, initiate the clearing of the pathways for the flow of innate intelligence, and encourage the healing process.

In the process of healing, one may experience symptoms. When viewed from a healing perspective, symptoms are not judged as good or bad. They are agents of change which provide an opportunity for growth. They appear to indicate the body is overwhelmed and to alert the individual that a change is needed for progress to occur.

In this model, healing is a process. By clearing subluxations (malpositioning of the spinal cord, nerves, and vertebrae can create mechanical tension. This may interfere with the flow of vital life force and the coordination of all life processes), the nervous system becomes more flexible and able to change. Trust is the basis of this model--trust in the inner intelligence that governs all life and exists within everyone. The goal of the healing model is to help the individual integrate mind, body and spirit.

We learn about ourselves, which allows our true nature to be fully expressed. In the process of healing we learn to feel the full range of emotions, no longer blocking out feelings which stop the flow of innate intelligence within. In this model, the person asks for help to reconnect with his/her inner intelligence and meet life's challenges. The role of the chiropractor is to help the individual be more in touch with innate intelligence, which actually does the healing. The doctor's responsibility is to trust the innate intelligence of the individual, and encourage the healing process. Healing is a process of unifying mind, body and spirit. The measure of whether someone is healing is "are you finding out more about yourself?"

Curing Model

Goal--eliminate symptoms

Separation of being

Whole = sum of parts

Basis for model: fear, judgment

Doctor is ultimate authority/healer

Doctor seen only when individual is in state of symptomatic discomfort

Cure is an event

Individual in "victim" consciousness or at the effect of the disease and


Name, diagnose, treat

Repress or anesthetize


Healing Model

Goal--integrate body-mind-spirit, there by decreasing symptoms and improve health

Integration of being

Whole > sum of parts

Basis for model: Trust

Individual is ultimate authority/healer

Regular adjustments insure integration of mind-body-spirit

Healing is a process

Individual takes responsibility for creating their own experience

Trust, initiate, encourage
